The Golden Goose: A Prosperity Potion

The New City Witches Cocktail Coven

The Yuletide holiday season fast approacheth and I believe there isn’t a single witch reading this post that can say their coffers are filled sufficiently to survive the inevitable onslaught comfortably. Everyone could use a little feathering of their nest especially this time of year. Enter The Golden Goose; a delicious little money spell that has the bonus side effect of soothing the frazzled nerves so common this time of year.

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The Three of Swords – A Bittersweet Balm for a Broken Heart

The New City Witches Cocktail Coven

Sorrow, betrayal, heartbreak, disillusionment, pain, loss, grief…these are all embodied by the three of Swords, one of the most dreaded cards in the tarot deck.  Yet without sorrow, there is no joy, without loss, no gain; the bitter truths of life. While these experiences are never welcome, they are inevitable and if we can work through them faster or make getting to the other side a bit easier, so much the better.  Thus the following potion, both bitter and sweet, designed to soothe and guide you through whatever misery is at hand.

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Adventures in Strega, Italian Witch Liqueur

The New City Witches Cocktail Coven

Liquore Strega is a saffron-hued herbal liqueur from Benevento, Campania, Italy.  “Strega” is Italian for witch, drawing on legends of witchcraft in Benevento that go back to truly olden times.  Benevento was a hotspot for a cult of Isis, a temple for which was also devoted to Hecate and Diana, all representing goddess moon aspects.  

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Chocomancy: Divination by Chocolate Cocktail

The New City Witches Cocktail Coven

As the new calendar year begins, bright with promise, it’s difficult to not want a peek – just a small one – into what fate has in store for us.  In Germany and Nordic countries a fortune-telling technique called Bleigiessen is traditional on New Year’s.  This is a form of molybdomancy, from the Greek molubdus (lead) + manteia (divination), where molten lead is poured into cold water and the resulting shapes, or the shadows of the resulting shapes cast by a candle flame, are interpreted as omens or auspices of the future.

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